
Jim Self: Ascension Made Easy-er

You are moving toward and preparing for ascension. This isn’t as mysterious as it sounds. Ascension doesn’t have to mean leaving this planet, taking your body with you and hanging out with Isis or Saint Germain. Ascension is an everyday occurrence. Ascension is when we leave one mode of being and rise into another higher, faster, purer one. It is when we make changes in our perspective, our preferences and our way of moving through life. We can say, at these times, we are moving from the third dimension toward the fifth. In a very real way we are. The fifth dimension is a place where what you think very quickly manifests. You might already be noticing that what you barely ask for you receive…faster and faster. As we make these evolutionary changes from a slower, denser vibration to a faster, lighter one, everything we have become familiar with also evolves. If the human race hadn’t taken its steps into a new awareness, we’d all still be thumping our chests, grunting and looking like Neanderthals.

As we ascend toward the fifth dimension, we step up awareness in all aspects of who we are. Emotionally, we become less volatile and more joyous. Mentally, we experience balance between our brain’s hemispheres and an integration of our intuition and analytical skills. Spiritually, we awaken our creative genius. As we take these steps toward total integration and alignment, we may experience a number of symptoms. You may be aware of all or some of these. Since you are reading this book, you are probably aware of several.

Ascension Symptoms

1. Friends you’ve known for a long time are appearing different to you. The things they are interested in and are excited about, or the things they talk about, are not as interesting as they used to be. In fact, sometimes you find yourself looking at them and wondering, “Do I know this person? They seem so different.” The fact is – they are not different. You are. You are beginning to shift your focus from the things and concerns that were very dominant in your life to areas and interests quite apart from the old ways.

2. You are spending more time alone, and enjoying it. This is a time of quiet introspection or just a time of doing nothing. You prefer an evening reading or simply sitting on the back porch, over just about anything else. Watering your flowers has found new satisfaction. You prefer the small and simple pleasures.

3. Because you are observing your friends and life quite differently now, you may also experience the feelings of sadness or loneliness. It is as if you know you are graduating from high school and going off to attend a college far away. The emotions you experience now are a bit confusing because they don’t seem based on reality. Your friends are still there, you are still employed, the town looks (to your physical eyes) just as it always did, yet there is something different, something “other worldly,” and you know you are no longer relating to it as you once did. Do you remember a time you gave notice at your job and knew you would be there an additional two weeks? You felt a separateness and sadness, yet excited and anticipatory. You knew you would soon move on.

4. Work isn’t exciting anymore. Work and career may be successful, but the passion is gone. You know another opportunity is drawing close. It is just within arm’s reach, but unseen. It may feel as though it will rock your world and, although this excites you, there is a slight edge of apprehension. And you know there is nothing you can DO about it anyway, until IT reveals itself.

5. Food doesn’t appeal to you as it used to. Perhaps you find yourself simply not eating until late in the day or eating less quantity. You may or may not lose weight as this happens. The type of food that you are now attracted to is quite different than it used to be.

6. Your body feels unusual. Perhaps it is as though your body has changed sizes, although your clothes still fit. Perhaps you feel taller.

7. Your sexual appetite has changed. Usually subsided. This may or may not concern you, but when you really evaluate it, you enjoy this shift.

8. Your vision may be slightly different. Colors may be brighter. The greens of grass and leaves begin to appear brighter, more yellow and vibrant. You may also experience an eyeglass prescription change.

9. Your sleep pattern changes. You may become unusually restless at night or have unusual dreams or want to sleep during the day. You may find yourself staying up late at night, or getting up very early. Or both. You may need less sleep.


Dee was experiencing many of these symptoms. She was “weepy” and didn’t know why. She felt lonely, yet still had friends. Work no longer held her interest, although it wasn’t dissatisfying. Her body seemed to be going through something and just didn’t respond like it used to. Nothing was working, yet nothing had changed. When she brought her attention to these symptoms and saw them as relating to each other, she understood they were communications from the wiser, broader part of herself. Dee gave herself permission to simply experience them and not make them fit into a logical structure. She grew to simply allow this energy to move through and around her life. She pivoted her perspective from “Something’s wrong with me” to “This is just energy that’s bubbling up and out. Soon I’ll be back to feeling ease and passion.” This took the pressure off and she began to actually enjoy tracking her progress. Dee stopped seeing these “weird feelings” as a problem but rather as positive signs of her expansion into wholeness. She stopped resisting her natural evolution. Ease and amusement returned. Dee is now setting a long dreamed-of plan into motion. She is returning to the coast to write.


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please know that this can be a result of using these Energy Tools. You are allowing energy to run through your system and move out the old patterns. The tools were designed to change your life and that is exactly what they are doing. You haven’t entered the Twilight Zone. You are simply moving to a place that includes more of you and less of the noise that isn’t you. Congratulations. We call this time between worlds a “Growth Period.” It is a time to celebrate. Your body and mind and emotions may, however, not agree. Even though a Growth Period is a time to congratulate yourself on your spiritual progress, sometimes when we enter this phase of growth, it hits our physical system as something uncomfortable.

Once we make the personal commitment to change our life situation, it is as though the mighty construction-crew-in-the-sky hears our thoughts and jumps to respond. “Okay guys, lunch break is over. Jill, down there, wants to clear out all the pain she’s been carrying around that has kept her from finding a partner. Let’s hop-to, grab your tool belt and help her drag it all up from the bottom so she can toss it.” Or, “Alright crew, Jack is asking for our help. He wants to return to physical health. Hey guys, everybody pile on down there and show him all the crap in his life that doesn’t match his desire so he can clear it out. He believes he only has a short time left, so speed it up boys and give it all to him at once.”

Sometimes we resist the changes. You may discover your body, mind and emotions doing unusual things. You may bump into walls, want to sleep more, feel irrational emotions, lose your keys and wallet, put the stapler in the refrigerator, and put your underwear on backwards. It’s okay. This is just a Growth Period. Laugh at yourself and be easy. Give yourself a break. This is a time to nurture your body and give it what it wants. You see, what is happening is you (as non-physical or Spirit) are taking huge leaps in your evolution toward freedom. Your slower, denser, physical system (body, emotions and mind) is working hard to keep up. Make it easy on your total self and treat the denser parts well. Go for walks, sleep in, pet the cat, lie around and do nothing, have more sex, watch movies, have less sex, eat something special, take a bath. Take care of yourself. If you resist this important time, it will only become more uncomfortable.

You may see your physical self as a cherished pet cat. You feed and pet your cat, make sure she’s comfortable and happy; you hold her and scratch her in all the parts she likes to be scratched. And she gives back to you. She purrs and kneads your legs and rubs her forehead on yours. If you treat your body as you would a special pet, it will then allow you to make these steps into the next dimension much smoother.

Take a nap. It’s only energy.
It will be over soon.
Let yourself drool.
You are not alone.

Copyright 2009 Jim Self. All Rights Reserved.

Jim Self is an author (Spirit Matters - Down-to-Earth Tools for a Spirited Life), international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light.. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes available. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field across North America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com or 775-851-8950 *