
article for Pacific Sun

Pacific Sun
PO Box 5553
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Attn: Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:
Greetings! In response to your recent story, "Revising Christ" I feel compelled to shed more light, from a Qabalistic perspective, on who Jesus was; and more importantly who and what Jesus is...

Jesus, The Christ, was the Avatar of the Piscean Age...He was the prototype for the New Age of Humanity, where we, humanity, in this New Age (The Aquarian Age), become progressively aware of our divinity... Jesus, The Man, through Qabalistic initiations and the Christening of his Being at his baptism through John, became a fully conscious human being... A holographic manifestation of the Solar Logos, here on Earth, with full awareness of his multi-dimensional nature and his eternal connection with source, his mighty "I AM" Presence...

Jesus birthed Christianity, a pre-existent cosmic solar religion (Sun = Son) and served to re-connect (resurrect) humanity and the Earth, through love, to the primal will to good which eternally creates and sustains the universe...

More esoteric knowledge concerning the ministry of Jesus The Christ can be found in most New Age of Metaphysical bookstores today... The writings of Rudolph Steiner, Corinne Heline, David Spangler, Manley P. Hall, Paul Foster Case, John White, Earnest Holmes, Thomas Troward, E.B. Szekely, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, and The Apostolic Gnosis clearly explain the Bible and Jesus' life from and inner/interior level of awareness...And points to the Christ within as the redeeming element inherent within all of humanity, and within all life everywhere... God (The Universal Life Force) is omni-present...

This awareness leads me to an important next point... The Hebrew esoteric name of Jesus is Jeheshua... Jeheshua is synonymous with Joshua, the great Hebrew prophet and leader... The Hebrew name of Jeheshua is Jod-He-Shin-Vau-He which translates as That Which Was, Is, and Shall Be... Jesus (Jeheshua) is an expansion of the name Jehovah... Jod-Ha-Vau-He... The Tetragrammaton, the sacred previously unspeakable name of God... The Lord...

The inner code of the Bible revolves around the understanding that each Hebrew letter corresponds to a number... This numerical science known as Gematria reveals some profound awarenesses regarding the name Jesus... The numerology of Jesus is 326, which reduces to the number 11, which in the Qabalah is the number of law/justice... The Hebrew word for Law is Adonai, which means Lord...

The Christian fundamentalist statement that "Jesus is Lord" is accurate, however to understand it's deeper implications we need to proceed further... The number 11 reduces to the number 2 which on the Qabalistic tree of life corresponds to the sphere of wisdom... Notice the word wisdom... Wisdom contains the word OM, which in Sanskrit is the revealed name of God... I Am... The Tao... The Way... The Light... The Truth... OM...

The great revelation of today which Jesus (as Consciousness) revealed in his (it's) time to those who could grasp it was that:

A) Life is a unity, a holographic projection of light, rooted in infinite compassion and governed by immutable law...

B) Life is eternal and progressive... We are part of a multi-dimensional consciousness which is infinitely creative, mysterious and unlimited...

C) Man (humanity) is a co-creative being with infinite potential and free will choice... We co-create our reality through the word... What we say and how we say it determines our primary experience...

In summary, we have entered the New Age... A New Heaven, A New Earth... The Aquarian Age... A time of great enlightenment where we all become progressively aware, individually and collectively, of our True Self.. That Which Was, Is, and Shall Be... Happy Holidays...

Omfully yours,

Da Vid

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