
EcoAstrology Update: Pisces New Moon plus Mayan 9th Wave

Stephanie Austin

Important alignments:
March 3: Lunar Nodes enter Sagittarius-Gemini
March 4: New Moon 14º Pisces
March 9: Beginning of the Mayan 9th Wave
March 11: Uranus re-enters Aries

March 2, 2011

Dear Friends,

The next new moon forms on Friday, March 4 at 12:46 PM PST at 14º Pisces. Not only are the Sun and Moon in Pisces, but also Mercury, Mars, Chiron, and Uranus, greatly magnifying this celestial spotlight. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, representing the end goal of the spiritual journey — the attainment of unity consciousness. Just as a prism separates light into many colors, each one of us appears to manifest as a distinct entity, all the while being an inseparable part of Creation/God/The Tao/The Great Spirit/The One. In Pisces, we are called to embody all that we have gained in the previous signs: the courage and willingness to try new things in Aries, a deep appreciation and regard for the physical world in Taurus, the ability to reason and communicate in Gemini, the recognition of feelings and needs in Cancer, the importance of authentic creative expression in Leo, the necessity for refinement and wholeness in Virgo, the ability to partner and share equally in Libra, the willingness to face our fears and shadow in Scorpio, the gaining of wisdom and faith in Sagittarius, the accomplishment of maturity and mastery in Capricorn, and the ability to envision and collaborate in Aquarius. Pisces is the alpha and omega of the spiritual journey, the Oneness from which all comes, and to which all returns. It is forgiveness and faith, intuition and compassion, spiritual surrender and unconditional love. It is who we are without the ego's judgments and fears. It is where the only thing left to do is to love and be Love. The Course in Miracles describes Pisces beautifully: "When you want only love, you will see nothing else."

Immersed in artificial light, disconnected from the elements, we have largely lost touch with the natural rhythm of the seasons. Yet, part of us still remembers, and longs for that time, in between cycles and worlds, where we rest, recharge, and remember who we really are. Like the dark of the moon, this is the balsamic time of the year, when we experience the dissolving of the old and germination of the new, distilling wisdom from the past and choosing the seeds for the future. It is also a time when we strengthen the bridge between Matter and Spirit. While we can always contact that liminal space, it is especially accessible at this time.

Several significant shifts occur around this new moon. On March 3, the Lunar Nodes (a 19 year cycle symbolizing collective, evolutionary challenges), move from Capricorn–Cancer to Sagittarius–Gemini, where they will remain until August 29, 2012. The transiting North Node in Sagittarius calls us to question old beliefs, explore new perspectives, and discover our truth; the transiting South Node in Gemini bids us release cynicism, superficiality, and over-reliance on the intellect.

March 9, according to Carl Johan Calleman, is the beginning of the Universal Underworld, the Ninth and final wave in the Mayan Calendar. As the final step, both Pisces and the Universal Underworld symbolize a dimensional shift from duality to unity, resulting in a very different perception of time, space, and reality.

"This means a twenty times frequency increase and speed-up of time... calling for a complete shift in our way of being, to manifesting unity consciousness, which is the intended end result of the cosmic plan... We will from the outset have to ask questions like: "What can I do to serve the cosmic plan?" or "What shall I do to further the manifestation of unity consciousness?... These will be extraordinary times and it is possible that we here will be confronted with a choice of truth versus tradition... There is no single right answer to how this transformation to unity consciousness is to be brought about everywhere. Yet, there are tools available that can be used and further developed by all those who share the common intention of manifesting unity consciousness. Everything starts with an intention, and if the intention is aligned with the purpose of the cosmic plan, it will be increasingly bearing fruit."- read article by Carl Johan Calleman

Uranus re-enters Aries on March 11, where it remains until March 6, 2019, signaling the need for new ideals and models. Uranus was last in Aries from March 3, 1927 to March 3, 1935. Many of the economic, political, and environmental issues of that period —the Great Depression, the rise of fascism, and the consequences of arctic warming— are in the forefront once again. During Uranus's last pass through Aries, it formed five squares to Pluto in Cancer between 1932 and 1934 (20°–25°). Uranus in Aries will again square Pluto (now in Capricorn); this time, they form seven exact squares between 2012 and 2015 (7°–15°), galvanizing mass awakenings and quantum leaps in all areas of life.

Consciousness and creation are quickening; the lag time between thought and manifestation is shortening. This dizzying, evolutionary pace is tough on both our emotional and physical bodies. It's never been more important to stay centered, grounded, and focused. If you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, spend extra time in nature – by water, woods, wherever you feel nurtured and inspired. Visualize your connection to the center of the Earth and the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Pray for guidance and support. Simplify. Prioritize. Stay in the present moment. The faster the pace of life, the more necessary it becomes to slow down and tune in.

Like a radio or TV, our consciousness has the capacity to receive and attune into different frequencies. Planet Earth is in the process of switching to a different channel. For those who are tired of the old programming of separation, war, and scarcity, the signal for unity, peace, and abundance is being strongly amplified. Take time around this New Moon, and every day, to dial into your heart and remember: "You are children of the stars, sired by light … The damage and corruption you see around you is just the ending choreography of the old world's last dance, and the promised reclamation of this planet is but the final manifestation of a campaign that has already been won." (Zoev Jho, from the book E.T. 101)

Stephanie Austin Eco Astrology